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2020年中共中央办公厅、国务院印发的《关于深化新时代教育督导体制机制改革的意见》,进一步推动了我国教育事业的改革和发展,也为HR转型背景下劳动关系与劳动法课程教学方法的改革提供了优良契机。基于此,文章介绍了HR转型与专业人才培养的关系,分析了HR转型对劳动关系与劳动法课程教学的影响,探究了HR转型背景下劳动关系与劳动法课程的教学现状,论述了HR转型背景下劳动关系与劳动法课程教学的创新路径。  相似文献   
The presence of strategic attackers has become an important factor in the security and protection of systems, especially since the 9/11/2001 attacks, and considerable efforts have been dedicated to its study. When defending against the strategic attacker, many existing studies assume that the attacker would seek to minimize the defender's utility, which implies that the defender and attacker have symmetric utilities. However, the attacker's objective is determined by its own valuation of the system and target of the attack, which is not necessarily consistent with the defender's utility. If the attacker unexpectedly targets a different utility, then the defense strategy might no longer be optimal. In particular, the defense strategy could be inferior if the attacker's utility is not known to the defender. This study considers a situation where the defender's utility is the system survivability and the attacker's utility is the expected number of destroyed elements in the system. We investigate possible attack strategies under these two different utilities and compare (a) the conservative defense strategy when the attack utility is unknown to the defender with (b) the optimal defense strategy when the attack utility is known to the defender. We show that the conservative protection strategy is still optimal under asymmetric utilities when the contest intensity is smaller than one.  相似文献   
随着互联网的快速发展,信息传播成本显著下降,且在数字媒介的帮助下,信息实现了广泛、深度传播。媒体融合作为时代发展中一项意义深远的变革,对高校的思政工作产生了重要影响。高校辅导员需充分认清媒体融合发展带来的机遇与挑战,抓住机遇,有效开展思政教育。研究媒体融合和高校辅导员思政工作的关系,有助于高校充分抓住媒体融合的发展机遇,有助于高校辅导员高效地开展思政工作。  相似文献   
信息技术的发展和新媒体技术在高校教育中的应用对高校思想政治教育产生了巨大的影响,高校要想提高思想政治教育效果,为学生做出积极有效的思想指引,就要把握新媒体时代带来的挑战和机遇,制定更加科学而有效的思想政治教育模式,提高教育效果。分析新媒体时代高校思想政治教育面临的挑战和机遇,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper considers the optimization problems for a consecutive-2-out-of-n:G system where n is considered to be fixed or random. When the number of components is constant, the optimal number of components and the optimal replacement time are discussed by minimizing the expected cost rates. Furthermore, we focus on the above discussions again when n is a random variable. We give an approximate value of MTTF and propose the preventive replacement policy, respectively.  相似文献   
医生的天职是治病救人,医生同患者之间彼此信任、和谐友好的关系是取得良好治疗效果的前提。但是近些年来医患之间矛盾不断,医患纠纷事件频发。这个问题已经不仅仅是牵涉到医疗方面的问题,而是已经上升至整个社会层面的问题。引起医患矛盾产生的因素有很多,对这些因素进行总结分析,并对建立和谐的医患关系的方法进行探讨和分析,能够基于EAP视角对构建和谐的医患关系提供一些参考和思路。  相似文献   
Maintaining the performance of infrastructure-dependent systems in the face of surprises and unknowable risks is a grand challenge. Addressing this issue requires a better understanding of enabling conditions or principles that promote system resilience in a universal way. In this study, a set of such principles is interpreted as a group of interrelated conditions or organizational qualities that, taken together, engender system resilience. The field of resilience engineering identifies basic system or organizational qualities (e.g., abilities for learning) that are associated with enhanced general resilience and has packaged them into a set of principles that should be fostered. However, supporting conditions that give rise to such first-order system qualities remain elusive in the field. An integrative understanding of how such conditions co-occur and fit together to bring about resilience, therefore, has been less clear. This article contributes to addressing this gap by identifying a potentially more comprehensive set of principles for building general resilience in infrastructure-dependent systems. In approaching this aim, we organize scattered notions from across the literature. To reflect the partly self-organizing nature of infrastructure-dependent systems, we compare and synthesize two lines of research on resilience: resilience engineering and social-ecological system resilience. Although some of the principles discussed within the two fields overlap, there are some nuanced differences. By comparing and synthesizing the knowledge developed in them, we recommend an updated set of resilience-enhancing principles for infrastructure-dependent systems. In addition to proposing an expanded list of principles, we illustrate how these principles can co-occur and their interdependencies.  相似文献   
奢靡世风之下的儒、商互动,建立在士人逐利、商贾求名基础之上,导致士商相混,界限模糊。这一方面促使郎署文人自觉不自觉地调整、改易着其写作风貌,以前多适用于上流社会的一些应用文体,很大程度上因之走向商贾、市井之家,逐渐普泛化、世俗化。另一方面,它又是“性灵”说的催生剂。同时,还使得一些郎署文人关注通俗文学,自觉参与到小说、戏曲等通俗文学样式的创作、刊刻、批评与传播过程中。这从内外两个层面,对郎署文学形成很大冲撞,致使其文学权力下降。从某种意义上说,这标志着晚明文学开始由以传统诗文为主的雅文学,逐渐向以小说、戏曲为重心的通俗文学转型。  相似文献   
维护职工合法权益是工会的基本职责。近年来高校工会工作对象从编制内人员扩展到非编制人员,维权服务工作面临着新的问题和挑战。基于S省高校的抽样调查数据与深度访谈资料显示,各高校在签订劳动合同、缴纳社会保险等方面都能按照要求规范进行,能按时足额发放薪酬,有相应的制度和管理规范,非编制人员的基本权益得到了保障。各高校工会组织积极履职,提高非编制人员的组织化程度和维权意识,帮助他们反映合理诉求,维护和保障非编制人员的合法权益,保证了职工队伍的稳定和谐。但也存在着工会维权职能发挥不充分,法治方式运用不足;工会制度不到位,维权机制不健全;工会主动作为不够,作用发挥不充分等问题。因此,创新高校工会非编制人员维权工作,必须加强法治思维,树立依法维权的理念;加强制度建设,完善工会维权机制;加强人文关怀,发挥工会桥梁和纽带作用。  相似文献   
人类学需要走出一种围墙的界限,需要不同学科门类之间的知识交流与合作。知识相互间的分离,也可以说是一种之前文化分离观念的自然养成,由此而要去反思曾经社区的、区域的以及模式的文化研究之缺陷和不足。人的精神是相通的,观念之间不会因为围墙和大门关闭而不发生沟通。人类学未来的希望则在于一种跨出边界的合作人类学的成长。  相似文献   
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